Acquire an advanced certificate!

Our advanced course will improve your SCUBA technique and introduce you to new diving experiences.

The theory component is digital and students should complete this online prior to the practical sessions at home or in their holiday accomodation. The practical component provides for five dives - all completed while you are with us.

Set out below is some information about how we generally stage the practical part of the Advanced course (note, some timings are variable according to whether you select our AM or PM schedule):

Arrival day
Between 15.00 and 18.00 hrs. on the day of your arrival we meet at our dive center, so that you can check in with us, sign the required medical statement and release form, try-on the dive gear you will use, and meet your PADI instructor.

The following days of your course proceed as follows:

Day 1
08.30 to 13.00 hrs.
Adventure dive – perhaps Performance Buoyancy, Navigation Diving or Night Diving

08.30 Meet in the office, collect dive gear and undertake initial briefing.
09.00 Depart the dive center with dive gear for the boat.
09.20 Take the boat from the main pier.
09.30-45 Arrive at the dive site and undertake briefing.
10.00-11.00 Training dive 1.
11.00-11.30 Surface interval / snack.
11.30-12.30 Training dive 2.
12.00-13.00 Return to the dive center and log dives.

17.40 Meet in the office, prepare the dive gear and learn the procedures for night diving.
18.00 Depart the dive center with dive gear for the boat.
18.15 Undertake briefing and Training dive 3.
20.30 Approx. return to the dive center and log dive.

Day 2
08.30 Meet in the office, collect dive gear and undertake initial briefing.
09.00 Depart the dive center with dive gear for the boat.
09.20 Take the boat from the main pier.
09.30-45 Arrive at the dive site and undertake briefing.
10.00-11.00 Training dive 4.
11.00-11.30 Surface interval / snack.
11.30-12.30 Training dive 5.
12.00-13.00 Return to the dive center and log dives

• Dive Gear: 5- 7mm wetsuit, SCUBA regulator, BCD, mask, fins, booties, hood, weight belt, and tanks.
• 2 flash lights during night dive
• 5 open water dives in the bay. /Punta Estrada, Bajo, Barranco
• Digital PADI E-lite material / NO VIDEOS
• Digital certification.
• Bilingual PADI Instructor.
• Water and snacks

Notes: A minimum of 2 students is required to confirm the course. A maximum of 5 students are taught simultaneously

For details of all our diving course and adventures, see: Our Diving